Update on our response to the Ukrainian Crisis below Thank you Дякую Dyakuyu for coming to their aid

Urgent help
is still needed

Days since the start
of the Ukraine crisis
Aid Transports sent to Poland,
Romania, Hungary, Moldova and Ukraine
Tonnes of
relief goods sent

Update: 14 March 2024

Two years of war in Ukraine

As we pass the second anniversary of the Ukraine invasion, GAiN continues to work hard to bring relief and hope to the people of Ukraine. People’s lives continue to be hard as they face the many challenges of war. Below are two stories of Ukrainians whose lives have been impacted. 

GAiN continues to support the relief efforts in Ukraine. Any gift would go towards continuing to help Ukraine.

Vitaly is a resident of Toretsk in Eastern Ukraine. A 67-year-old retiree who, from the age of 17, worked extracting coal from the local mine. Already long retired, he wanted to work as a watchman, as he was still strong and in good health. But 10 years ago, his wife fell ill, and he became her carer as her mobility is restricted. Vitaly is an optimist, and he is not discouraged. 

Due to frequent artillery shelling and aerial bombardment in Toretsk, water supply in the city is often cut off and there is often no water for several weeks. Sometimes, the local authorities organise the delivery of Technical Water, which cannot be used for cooking. Every day, they have to buy water for 1-2 euros. This may seem like a small amount, but with their monthly pension of 210 euros it is significant, especially as they need to pay for medicine. 

Vitaly looks forward to the volunteers bringing water. Thanks to the help from GAiN, they receive clean filtered or bottled water twice a week. He is very grateful for the support and water supply, and he looks forward to Monday, when the next water will arrive, purchased and delivered by GAiN. 

elderly woman standing next to water

Galina Borisovna is an 82-year-old resident of Toretsk who worked for 42 years as a cleaner in the canteen of a coal mine. She was widowed 20 years ago, lives alone and receives a pension of 60 Euros.  Her daughter left for Russia many years ago and doesn’t help Galina in any way.  Her son was in prison several times and his whereabouts are now unknown.  Despite all these heartaches, she goes to church two times a week, where she get free lunches and social support. Most of her pension goes toward purchasing medication, leaving her with not much for her basic needs.

There has been frequent shelling in her neighbourhood, which resulted to the filtration station shutting down.  The water that comes out of the tap is poorly purified and sometimes even salty, which causes Galina hardship as she has to boil the water several times and sometimes still causes stomach aches. She is grateful for the water she has received from GAiN and even benefitted from the moral support from others at the water distribution.

Update: 28 November 2023

Helping people rebuild their homes in Tavrijs´ke (old name is Kirovo) Kherson Oblast, Ukraine

“For Ukrainian people a home is very important. It’s a piece of life. For the people for whom we are rebuilding their houses, it is a restoration of their entire lives.” Dima Tishchenko, Ukraine for Christ staff

The GAiN team travelled to the south of Ukraine to meet our partner, Ukraine for Christ and assist them in their project to help rebuild homes.  Below is a video of what transpired during their time there.

We continue to reach out to those affected by the ongoing war.  Thank you for continuing to partner with us in helping to reveal hope and restore life.

Update: 31 October 2023

More than 600 days of war

It’s hard to imagine what life is like, living in a war zone for 20 months . Safety and security would be utmost in one’s mind,  as well as what the future would be like. 

We at GAiN continue to help those affected by this war.  In August, some of our GAiN staff travelled to Novokyivka, Mykolaiv Oblast, in Ukraine and helped our partner in distributing the yellow boxes, which contained food products as well as a message about God’s love.  They were received with joy, a small respite in this otherwise very difficult predicament.

Below is a video of their time there, a glimpse into the lives of those affected by the war in the Kherson region.

Thank you for your continued help and support for the people of Ukraine!

Update: 21 June 2023

The war continues on.  Our partners in Ukraine are asking us not to forget them, for the need for aid remains.

Our partner in Rivne, Ukraine continues to open their church and serve IDPs (Internally Displaced Person).  On the 3rd of June (video below), they held a service for IDPs and 300 families came and were given food boxes.  The recipients were so grateful for every food package received. 

A newspaper in Ivanychi featured our other partner in Ukraine called Nezabudka Charitable foundation, explaining its history and how they have evolved from serving families in crisis to doing humanitarian work after the Russian invasion.  If you would like to read the article in Ukrainian, click here.  If, however, you would like it translated, here is the link to the Google translated article. 

How you can help

Food continues to be the pressing need on the ground and we are planning to continue to send more transports of food in the weeks ahead.

You can give financially to help with the transport costs of donated relief goods and food products, which will help those fleeing the war in Ukraine.

Update: 9 March 2023

As the Ukraine war has entered its second year, we continue to send help and hope to the people of Ukraine.

Since December 2022, GAiN UK has sent four food trucks and one truck containing relief goods to Ukraine.  Our partners have distributed the food in the different provinces, one of which was Kherson.

During one of the distribution, artillery shelling began, so our partners waited until it was safe and continued the distribution. People are very grateful. This is not just food for them, it is a bridge to hope. This is a confirmation that everything will be fine, that God remembers them, that they are not alone in the period of trial.

Below is our GAiN partner, Sasha interviewing Irina, one of those who have fled the war.

If you want to read more stories ofUkrainians’ experiences, go to https://www.globalaidnetwork.org.uk/ukraine-one-year-on/

Update: 11 November 2022

The fight for survival continues on… 

261 days since Russia invaded Ukraine.  The needs are still there and have multiplied.  Here is how our partner describes the situation in Ukraine:

“From the 10th of October we hit a new reality. Regular missiles and drones strike on the critical infrastructure and at times they even hit playgrounds, shopping centres and other places with people! Considering that winter is coming – it’s a real challenge! On top of that , there is 30% unemployment, 30% inflation, and almost 40% of GDP is gone! But the most dangerous is when bombed by Russia, people don’t have electricity and as a result, no heat, water and so on! Putin’s goal is to push Ukrainians out of the country as much as possible and to bring the rest to the point of riots?! Our lives are already kind of disrupted. The other day I couldn’t get to the store in the morning because of no electricity and in the evening because of an air raid! Real weird feelings. Our president says it will be the most difficult winter within the last 50 plus years. This is only a small part of what we are facing now! So, miraculous way of surviving is the only way forward, it looks like.”

Sasha Rivne



Update: 11 August 2022

Still a lot to do 

As images and videos of bombed buildings and houses and burned-out cars have occupied our screens for the past months and as we get used to these scenes of devastation, we might forget that behind every door and window, there are lives devastated and destroyed by this invasion. Broken and often traumatised by war, every Ukrainian, whether young or old, rich or poor, will have to learn to deal with the consequences of this conflict.  

Our partner in Rivne, Ukraine continues to bring much needed relief to the people of Ukraine.  In the video below, Sasha and his team just finished distributing food bags to those struggling in Rusaky. They continue to reach out and try to bring hope to those who have lost so much.  

We at GAiN UK will continue doing what we can as we collect donations, whether in money or in kind, to help those in crisis. 

Will you remain with those struggling in Ukraine? 

Update: 30 June 2022

75 Pallets of Food

In May, we received contact from a group called His Church who wanted to send 75 pallets of food to Ukraine.  That’s £150,000 worth of food, shipment costs all taken care of as they have their own transport and want to drive it themselves to our partner in Rivne, Ukraine. What a massive blessing and we are so thankful for His Church and their generosity to those affected by the war in Ukraine.

We are indeed grateful for this partnership and the blessings it will bring to those in need.  As you can see in the video, half of the food donated is headed to the east and south of Ukraine, where the war is waging.

Thank you for continuing to stand with Ukraine! 

Update: 10 June 2022

Hope and Dignity

The elderly, the bedridden and the housebound, they are sometimes the forgotten ones, left behind in war torn areas.  They are someone’s father or mother, grandparents, someone’s loved ones.  The children or grandchildren are torn between staying with their elderly relatives or bringing their younger family members to safety.  And what happens to them when relatives choose to leave? 

Our partner in Chasiv Yar has made it a priority to bring them out of the warzone. This is a challenge since they haven’t got proper transport for the bedridden.  But they do with what they have.  This usually means putting them on the back of a pick up truck, with blankets wrapped around them to make the journey easier.

Since the start of the invasion, they have been bringing people from Eastern Ukraine to safety.  So far, they have brought around 300 bedridden or housebound elderly people and will continue to do so.

evacuating bedridden people

His name is Yevhen Petrovich Krivosheya, born in 1938 in Izium, Kharkiv oblast. He worked at the school most of his life and served as a deputy for the city council. He has dedicated his whole life to serving the people and his hometown.

At 84, he was living on his own as he has been widowed years ago and his son is living in another city.

When Russia invaded Ukraine,  Mr Krivosheya’s city, Kharkiv has been subject to  daily bombardments.  With nobody to help him, Mr Krivosheya was forced to stay in a cold, damp cellar and this has affected his health.  

On 11 March, our partner was able to transport him to Chasiv Yar and he is now staying in a nursing home where he is well taken care of, along with other elderly people.

Thank you for helping them when they have been left behind.  You have given them hope and dignity in their old age.

Update: 19 May 2022 

80,000 kilos of potatoes!  

Can you imagine the number of people that can be fed with 80,000 kilos of potatoes? Well, a lot, that’s for sure! 

In recent weeks, four shipments of potatoes have been transported to Moldova. Moldova, the poorest country in Europe that so hospitably receives Ukrainian refugees. These potatoes have been distributed to the Ukrainians, to host families and to poor Moldovans. The elderly, single-parent families and families with lots of children have all benefitted from this shipment.  

unloading bags of potatoes in Moldova

On the map you can see where all the potatoes end up. A number of small potatoes have been planted so that they can be harvested again in the autumn! 

Thank you for continually giving to this ongoing crisis. 

Photo credits: Tammy van Nerum 

map of Moldova with distribution points
big famioly with 3 bags of potatoes

Update: 6 May 2022 

What difference does one bag or box of relief goods make? More than we can imagine. Some of these bags are lifelines to many, especially those who are bed-ridden or housebound. In the video below, relief goods that GAiN  brought to Rivne, Ukraine, are picked up and transported 435 miles (700 km), a 9-10 hour drive to Sumy Oblast, north of Kharkiv, Ukraine. The team then advertise through loudspeaker the availability of these goods to whoever needs them and distribute them. For those who cannot come to the distribution point, they are dropped off at their houses. 

Thank you.  Your gifts and donations are reaching those who need them. 

Update: 22 April 2022 

Giving hope to broken lives


small stuff toys on top of a bed in a hall full of refugees

“My sons and I had to escape. I don’t know if I will see my husband again. Sometimes we connect by phone, but not very often. If I can’t reach him, I’m very scared. My kids do not know what is going on. My oldest son keeps asking about his dad. Thanks for bringing the toys. These are the first things that belong to my kids personally again. You are good people. ”  – Mary*

“Never in my life did I think that I had to leave my home. I am all alone. I have had my life. Now it fits in a small bag. Many of my relatives have already died. I survived, I escaped in time. I guess that’s called a new beginning. How to start over when your memories and loved ones have been taken away? It is just because we experience signs of friendship and connection here. Thank you so much for caring and caring for us.   – Anastasia* 

15-year old Vlad from Kramatorsk was put on a train towards the Polish border by his father. ‘You’re not safe here anymore!’  His mother died from cancer a few years ago, and now his father must defend the country as a soldier.  At least Vlad should survive. His eyes tell of fear and uncertainty. Ever since he arrived here in Legnica, Poland at a refugee home, he has not heard anything from his father. He doesn’t know if he’s okay. He himself is not doing well. His dream of graduating school, studying, and living a good life has become a nightmare. Survive. That’s what it’s all about now. Giving him one of the little teddy bears GAiN brought for the little kids in the camp, his sad eyes starts to light up. He pushes the teddy and starts smiling. A little teddy bear will become a sign of hope. 

Thank you for standing with Ukraine. Together, we can help reveal hope and restore life.

*not their real names.

Update: 14 April 2022 

Real heroes of war

These are some of the real heroes of war. People arriving from war-torn cities and towns under the line of fire and shelling, only to go back, again and again, just to deliver basic supplies to their area and neighbours. We can’t help but feel privileged to be a small part of what they are doing by helping and enabling them to alleviate so much suffering taking place right now and here.  

“Four or five days after the war began, these were the first guys who took the minibuses, the food from their salaries, simple food, all they could, and they were the first ones, they did not wait for anybody”, says Pastor Sascha, our local partner in Rivne, Ukraine. 

“Western Ukraine became the hub for receiving the aid and sending it. Here it is safe, this road is safe. I wouldn’t send you anywhere further, but here is safe”.  

“Many buses, light trucks and even bigger ones, we are loading them here and sending them to Kyiv, Kharkiv, Poltava…” 

Their network of churches is present in the 24 provinces in Ukraine. “As soon as we get something”, he continues, “we arrange for the person who is responsible for the area to come and pick them up.” 

“A lot of people are now evacuated from their homes; they have no basic things… So, I want to say thank you for giving these people the very basic, supporting them at this most critical moment in their lives”.  

Thank you for continuing to help in this crisis. 

Update: 8 April 2022 

How it all works 

You may be wondering how your donations get to the Ukrainian refugees. As you give donations in finances or in kind, these gifts are then sent to the GAiN lead agents for this crisis, which are GAiN Germany and GAiN Netherlands. They send the trucks with the relief goods to our partners in Poland, Hungary, Moldova, Romania or Ukraine. 

A more detailed example is when GAiN Germany sends to our partner ESPA in Poland.  

GAiN sends the trucks from Germany to Legnica, ESPA’s logistics centre in Poland.  Then ESPA branches (i.e. Siemianowice Slaskie) calls ESPA in Legnica to ask for specific goods. If the goods are available, the ESPA branch is responsible for picking the goods from Legnica. They usually drive to Legnica (4.5-hour drive from Siemianowice Slaskie) with vans and small trucks rather than hire transports. Once the goods arrive, they make them available for the refugees.  

The video below shows the 2,000 m warehouse in Siemianowice Slaskie.  The warehouse is nicely ordered with a supermarket mindset where every refugee can come in, go to the food section, clothes section, hygiene section, and pick up whatever they need. They even have coffee and pastries for every “shopper”. They have expressed their need for more food since they have 500-600 people coming every day, around 1,000 on weekends. 

Your gifts and donations are reaching those who need them. Thank you for bringing hope to the people of Ukraine.

Update: 31 March 2022 

With over 4 million Ukrainian refugees fleeing their country and 2.9 million people identified as in need of assistance in Ukraine, UNHCR has declared Ukraine a level 3 emergency, the highest level they have. 

We continue to send much needed relief goods to neighbouring countries hosting Ukrainian refugees and into Ukraine, where millions have been displaced and are in dire situations, especially those in the east.  

At least 13 transports and multiple van loads have been sent into Ukraine.  These goods are taken further into Eastern Ukraine by locals. 

In the video below is Pastor Sascha who lives in Rivne, Ukraine. He is one of our GAiN partners.  He and his team have received 4 truckloads of relief goods from GAiN. They will pass these on to those who need them in Kyiv and eastern Ukraine.   

Thank you for continuing to send relief to the people of Ukraine. 

Update: 18 March, 2022

GAiN visits Ukraine and Artem’s evacuation told by a GAiN staff member. 
young Ukrainian boy with his grandparents

We arrive at a church in Rivne, Ukraine. The sun is going down, but only a few of the thirty beds within the big worship hall are already occupied. 

One of the pastors tell us this place will be full by midnight. People are still on the run. They usually arrive by 7pm or 8pm, and surely before the 10pm curfew. By the next morning, it will be empty again, families will get back on track towards the border, and the Church will get ready to host the next group.  

Among the few guests who arrived earlier than usual is 19 year old Artem and his grandparents. They were living in Hostomel, one of the towns on the outskirts of Kyiv, that is being fought over day after day, coveted specially because of its aerodrome.  

“We left Hostomel two days ago”, Artem recounts, “Our country evacuated us because in Hostomel, there is a lot of bombing and fire, so they evacuated us to Kyiv, and from Kyiv we came here with a bus.” 

Artem was living with his grandparents because he was studying for a degree in Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. “Now our study is stopped, we pray that we can continue.” Fortunately, he still managed to escape with his grandparents, but not his parents and sister. They are living in Kherson. “This is where the war is hitting very bad”, he explains, “We want to evacuate them too.” 

That will not be easy as Kherson is one of the cities that has been hit hardest in the war from day one. “We speak with them with phone, messages, Viber, Telegram… They cry because of us, because of our situation, but they feel better for us now (since we could be evacuated). We pray that they will be good.” 

The look in his eyes, like most of the Ukrainians we met so far, speaks on his behalf before he utters a word. “It’s hard to understand”, he pauses, “my friends, my family, we are under big stress, we don’t feel good, but we stay positive”.  

Tomorrow will be another long day for Artem. They plan to arrive to another city nearer the border, and from there maybe to Poland. But for now, probably the most urgent need for him is to stop thinking about tomorrow, at least for a little while. “We just need to sleep now, eat some food, have some fun because we have a lot of stress”.  

As soon as Artem’s grandfather finds out we are here to help them, he leans slightly in an honest sign of gratitude. I tell them this is the least we could do. After I pray for them, we wave goodbye and I wish them all the best, specially thinking of Artem’s parents and sister. We still have a long drive back to Poland ahead of us, but they have a much longer drive back to hope, joy, goals, dreams, and to peace of heart.  

“I can't leave the region, people are counting on our help. The situation cannot be described. Whenever I want to say something, it has already changed again... What gives me courage is that I feel the whole of Ukraine standing together like a single clenched fist. What we need now is your help. Everything is needed so that we can survive...”

Update: 9 March, 2022

Literally overnight,  Moldova, one of the smallest and poorest country in Europe, became hope for thousands of people fleeing from war. According to figures, since the invasion began, about 150, 000 Ukrainian refugees passed through Moldova’s borders and the number is only increasing. The government of Moldova is taking all possible measures. Besides hotels, camps and other facilities, large open spaces are transformed into temporary asylums.

One GAiN Partner, Cru Moldova, has opened their office and provided shelter, food, provisions, legal assistance, medical help and other services needed.  So far, 328 Ukrainian refugees have passed through their centre and they’ve also rented a camp for 260 refugees.

Here’s a video of their reactions:

Update: 7 March 2022

Saturday, 5 March, 8 am, Legnica, Poland.  This is a video of our GAiN partner, Norbert, who heads ESPA, an NGO supporting foster children and their families. He is now helping us with the logistics of delivering relief goods to the Ukrainians.  He is in a warehouse which is made available to GAiN for free for 6 months, due to the current crisis and recent change of owners.  It’s a blessing to have this massive warehouse where relief goods can be unloaded and sent to different locations.

He talks about this being a very intense time for him and his team. Last weekend, sugar, hygiene products, mattresses, clothes and eggs were loaded and sent. A Polish city asked Norbert to get camping beds for the many refugees who have to sleep on the floor in a big supermarket. GAiN immediately bought and transported hundreds of field beds, which was unloaded at the logistics centre and from there, sent to where they’re needed. Recently, 3 fully loaded trucks were sent directly to Ukraine and more will follow this week.

Update, 3 March, 2022

We continue to work together with our GAiN offices worldwide in our efforts to help bring relief goods to the Ukrainians who are fleeing the violence in their country.

On the 1st of March, a transport left from GAiN Germany for Debrecen, Hungary and from there, the relief goods will be distributed to 5 churches in Romania at the Ukrainian border.  Items included are baby food, canned goods, clothes, blankets and pillows.

Another transport left for Poland on the 2nd of March and the next one will leave today, 3rd  of March to our partners in Floresti (Cluj) and Tirgu Mures in Romania.  Items included are food, diapers, clothes, blankets, mattresses, incontinence supplies and toys. 

The GAiN offices coordinating these transports are in daily contact with the NGO’s receiving Ukrainians across the border and are being told what they need, so we’re loading items that are currently needed.  

Thank you for standing by the Ukrainian people!

food, nappies, water, etc

Update, 1st March, 2022

Immediately after the first news of the invasion, one of our contacts in Donetsk, Ukraine told us over the phone:

“I can’t leave the region, people are counting on our help. The situation cannot be described. Whenever I want to say something, it has already changed again. In my town it is still quiet. But in other cities the war is raging. My friends and relatives have spent the past nights in bunkers. When they wanted to come back to the daylight, they were afraid because the air raids were not over. So they went back to the bunkers. What gives me courage is that I feel the whole of Ukraine standing together like a single clenched fist. What we need now is your help. Everything is needed so that we can survive. I cannot say what will happen tomorrow. It is already difficult to say what the next few minutes will bring.”

Since the start of the crisis last Thursday, the offices of GAiN in Europe are working together to help the Ukrainians fleeing the violence.  Two aid transports from GAiN Germany will be going to Poland and Moldova on Tuesday and Thursday.  Another two aid transports  from GAiN Netherlands will head to Romania this week.  Another one is on its way to Hungary, and more are being sent next week.  There is a sponsored food distribution from GAiN Netherlands by one of our partners on the ground at the Romanian border.

Thank you for helping the Ukrainians in their time of need.

26 February, 2022

As the conflict in Ukraine has developed, we as GAiN (Global Aid Network) Worldwide are heartbroken by the tragedy of this situation.
The UNHCR estimates that 4-5 million refugees will initially come from Ukraine with that number rising the longer violence continues.
To put this number in perspective, the population of Moldova is 2.6 million.
In the UK, we have launched our Ukraine Crisis Appeal to get aid to those in need as quickly and directly as possible. We are supporting our offices across Europe to respond together. Right now, in Germany they are loading trucks of physical aid to be sent to countries already receiving refugees.
Together we are working with our existing partners in Romania, Poland, Hungary, and Moldova as they get ready to receive refugees. As our capacity increases, we will be ready to respond as the situation develops.
You can help provide food, shelter, and tangible relief by clicking the link below now!
Thank you!  Together we can reveal hope and restore life in Ukraine.
woman in front of house in ruins