In response to the global outbreak of Corona Virus, we have joined with our offices from across the world to work in partnership with the local organisation, EuroRelief, supporting the displaced people living in Camp Moria, Lesbos.
Corona Virus in the Camp
Many of the displaced people have experienced extreme trauma throughout their journeys to Greece. They are now faced with a new threat: Corona Virus. Doctors in the camp are preparing for the virus to strike Camp Moria and when it does so, the consequences will be disastrous. Here in the UK we are able to wash our hands regularly and maintain social distancing for the protection of the vulnerable. We also have an incredible health care system that we rely on when we fall ill. However, it is impossible to take these precautions in Camp Moria. Conditions concerning hygiene, privacy, nutrition, safety and medical are dire in all areas of the camp. There is currently one hospital on the island which has one quarantine room, only big enough to care for five people.
Disaster Assistance and Response Team (DART)
DART is the international emergency team of GAiN. This team is heading to Lesvos to construct and equip quarantine areas that will isolate the people in Camp Moria who contract the corona virus. Our volunteers will also be sending shipments of relief items such as, beds, blankets, hygiene items, underwear and diapers. All of these items will be distributed on site and will help care for those who fall ill with Covid-19.
Help fund our response to Covid-19
It costs just £45 to fund one person’s place in a quarantine area that we are working to set up in Lesbos. This amount will provide a victim of the corona virus with a camp bed, a duvet, two sets of bed linen, new underwear and a hygiene package (soap, shampoo, deodorant, etc).
You can contribute to funding a person’s place in the quarantine area by following the link below to our giving page. All donations are welcome as we strive to support each victim of Covid-19 in fighting it.
[su_button url=”https://www.give.net/BeatCoronaHelpLesbos” target=”blank” style=”3d” background=”#ee8824″ color=”#000000″ size=”10″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”0″ icon_color=”#000208″ text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #000000″]Donate Now[/su_button]
Collect Items to Equip the Quarantine Areas on Lesbos
We are also collecting the following items, which are essential to equipping the quarantine area nearby to Camp Moria:
Hand Gel
Hand Soap
We appreciate that circumstances in the UK may make it difficult to get hold of the above products. Nevertheless, when doing your own essential shopping, why not add a few of these items to your basket?
As soon the isolation restrictions are lifted in the UK, we will organise collection points in Birmingham and send your items to Lesbos as soon as possible.
There are currently over 20, 000 displaced people living in Camp Moria. Thankfully, GAiN is not alone in supporting these people throughout the outbreak of Corona Virus. We are working in collaboration with many organization that are active on Lesbos such as, Christian Refugee Relief, Boat Refugee Foundation, Movement On The Ground, Doctors without Borders. It is through collaboration that we are able to respond quickly in times of crisis. This is why we need your help!