Be a Collection Point

How can I
be involved?

Would you like to join our growing community of aid collection points?

If you have a little space in your home, garage or community centre, you could use it as a base for collecting aid materials. Get your local networks involved in hands-on help by donating high-quality clothes, blankets and other items to people in need across the world.

If you would like be a collection point for GAiN UK or would like more information, get in touch at

All you need to get involved is:
1. A little space in your house or a place where you can keep donations of any size
2. Have your contact details on our website so people in your local area can contact you to donate
3. Liaise with us regularly so we can pick up your collection as often as you need.

From there the world, or your community is your oyster. You can wait and let people contact you directly to donate or you can come up with your your own ways to engage other people in your community in revealing hope and restoring life.

What we collect